LnA Prologue - hello from the fire

Haha well would you look at that? It's been years. 

At some point, I intend to make a longer update about this, because it's important to me. But for now, here's the short version: I took a break from working on Lena and Aster. I'm still taking it, kind of. I haven't updated because I was unable to do so, but I've recently been slowly, slowly, slowly working on this project again, which means I want to get the live version as current as possible. This update is primarily surface level changes, and a scant few at that, with (I believe) the most significant change being an additional question in the FAQ. I still occasionally show this project to people, and I want it to truthfully reflect its status, even if I'm not fully ready to talk about it publicly yet.

To those paying attention-- thank you for your support, kind words, and patience. This story and characters mean the world to me and I can't wait for you to meet more of them, in due time. For now, peace. Take care of yourselves and each other.

Prologue Ver 1.3 - burnout sucks lol

  • Updated FAQ to reflect current status of project
  • Some small prose edits, bug fixes, and backend polish
  • Probably other stuff but if we're being honest it's been awhile so I'm not totally sure
  • Take care of yourselves


lna prologue v1.3.html Play in browser
71 days ago

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