LNA Prologue - updated scripting language!

Note to self: stay up to date with software and coding language versions. It's good practice and sometimes it solves bugs without any effort from you!

In my previous bug update, I added in a bunch of functionality to work around a known bug with refreshing the browser while playing. Well, I was chatting with other Twine devs, and guess who was two whole versions behind on updating Harlowe?? (It's me, ya girl.) I checked the patch notes and lo and behold, the very first fix listed addresses the very bug I'd been banging my head against for weeks. Yay! My eye hasn't stopped twitching since this discovery.

I actually updated the language a few weeks ago, but only now found the time to do some tests to make sure it didn't break anything else, and in the process, I made a few prose revisions. So this is a pretty basic update, but an important one.

In the meantime, the next episode is well underway! Kind of. The map display is coming along quite nicely, even if it is pushing the limits of my css/javascript knowledge, and the stories in this episode are some of my favorites, so the ep should be something special. I'll release it as soon as I finish it. Which should happen as soon as I finish this game jam about plants. Oops.

Prologue Ver 1.2 - browser-refresh support

  • Updated Harlowe and, in the process, fixed all bugs related to browser-refresh creating errors.
  • Removed all text warning players not to refresh the browser at any cost
  • Streamlined how the continue bar ---v--- behaves so it's more modular and takes up less processing power. 
  • Some small prose edits

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